The Divided Nation: The American Civil War
This is a half-day to a full-day presentation. It covers the causes of the war, the cost of the war in terms of human casualties, how the war was fought, the uniforms, equipment and weapons of the war. If you are looking for an overall summary of the war in one presentation, this is the one for you. Many schools request this presentation because it is so comprehensive.
The following presentations are shorter (90 minutes to 2 hours long) and more specific subtopics of the war.The Civil War Soldier
This presentation focuses specifically on the typical soldier of the American Civil War; his motivation for enlisting, the terms of his enlistment, his uniform, his equipment, his weapons. It also covers what it was like to fight in the war.
The Gathering Storm
This presentation focuses specifically on the causes of and the events leading up to the American Civil War.
Divided Waters
This presentation focuses specifically on the war on the water; the role the U.S. and C.S. Navies played in the war.
Banners of Glory
This presentation focuses on the importance of the flags bourne by soldiers in both the Union and Confederate Armies.
Civil War Technology
This presentation focuses on the new technologies that came out and were instrumental in fighting the war. Examples would be the telegraph, the iron-clad ships, the new weapons, medical advances, etc.
PLEASE NOTE: If none of these or a combination of these presentations work best for you, contact me. I can form-fit any of the information you wish regarding the war into a presentation that fits your needs and time schedule.

Presentation Fees
Presentations range from 1.5 hour to 5 hour-all day-immersion experiences. 1.5 to 3 hours is the most common length. Presentation length can be adapted to suit your needs.
* Mileage is calculated at the current I.R.S. rate of $0.67 per mile round-trip from Mankato, MN (presenter’s residence) to the presentation site and back.