American Revolution Experience

The American Revolution was America's first civil war. It would split the country between Loyalists, those who wanted to stay loyal to the king, and Patriots, those who wanted to separate from Great Britain to become an independent and sovereign nation. How could we, as a people, go from being proud that we were British subjects and part of the greatest empire in the world, to wanting our independence from the mother country, in the span of just 10 years? Through drama, role-playing, and living history experiences, participants will gain an understanding of :

  • The Causes of the Revolution
  • Important people of the Revolution
  • Important battles of the Revolution
  • The tactics and strategies of the war.
  • The cost of the war, in terms of property and loss of life
  • The British viewpoint and attitudes toward the war
  • The typical soldier's daily life, uniform, equipment and weapons
  • The results of the war; a new and better government and much, much more.
Topics eligible for all (1.5 to 5 hour) presentation lengths
  • Birth of a Our Nation: The Revolutionary War
  • The Divided Union: The American Civil War
  • The World at War: WWII
  • Minnesota’s Fabulous Firsts
  •   Topics eligible for shorter (1.5 to 3 hour) presentation lengths
  • The Viking Age
  • The French Voyageur in the Fur Trade
  • Pirates: Predators of the Sea
  • Minnesota in the American Civil War
  • The Northfield Bank Raid: Minnesotan's Foil the James-Younger Gang
  • The Great War: World War I
  • Minnesota's Wild and Woolly Prohibition Days
  • Lucky Lindy
  • The U.S.S. Ward: Minnesotan's Fire the First Shot in the Pacific War
  • D-Day, June 6, 1944: Operation Overlord
  • Liberators and The Holocaust
  • Korea: The Forgotten War 
  • Minnesota & the Vietnam War

  •   Most of the topics can be presented with an emphasis on what part Minnesota played in them.


      Is the presentation topic you're looking for not listed here? 
    Let me know and I will research and create a presentation for you on that topic.


    Presentation Fees

      Presentations range from 1.5 hour to 5 hour-all day-immersion experiences. 1.5 to 3 hours is the most common length.  Presentation length can be adapted to suit your needs.

  • Short presentation (1.5 to 3 hours long) $700 plus mileage*
  • Multiple Short presentations (Same topic, one location) Multiple presentations of  the same topic, same day, for additional groups of people. $950 plus mileage* for entire day.
  • Multiple Short presentations - (Same topic, multiple locations requiring set up and take-(down) $700 per presentation plus mileage*. 
  • Full Day Presentation (5 hours long) - Full day, immersion presentations allow time for in-depth study and understanding, they are very popular  among teachers, who call them "History Field Trip days". $950 plus mileage*

  • * Mileage is calculated at the current I.R.S. rate of $0.67 per mile round-trip  from Mankato, MN (presenter’s residence) to the presentation site and back.

    Call or email to schedule your Historical Experience

    Phone: (507) 381-0898 - Email: