Korea: The Forgotten War

One of the most bitterly fought conflicts in American military history, the Korean War ended in a stalemate, yet it proved a principle: the advance of Communism was halted at the now-famous 38th parallel. It was also the first war in which the free nations of the world banded together under the banner of the fledgling United Nations to fight against Communist aggression.
The Korean War had countless heroes such as General Douglas MacArthur and General William Dean to the equally legendary Army, Navy and Marine men-in-the-ranks who fought in the air, on the sea and in the foxholes atop the hilltops of Korea. These men confronted the savage, all-too-human face of war. They were young, valiant, and largely forgotten by a public weary of waiting for victory. Sent half-way around the world, they were ordered to fight an enemy they didn't know, for political objectives they didn't understand. But they did their job and served their nation well.

2020 marks the 70th Anniversary of the the Korean War. Seventy years after the war, Historical Experiences brings to life this Cold War conflict. The causes, the participants, the battles, the weapons, the strategies and tactics and the out-come of the war will all be made clear in this presentation. You will come away understanding the who, what, when, where and why of KOREA: THE FORGOTTEN WAR.

Presentation Fees
Presentations range from 1.5 hour to 5 hour-all day-immersion experiences. 1.5 to 3 hours is the most common length. Presentation length can be adapted to suit your needs.
* Mileage is calculated at the current I.R.S. rate of $0.67 per mile round-trip from Mankato, MN (presenter’s residence) to the presentation site and back.