Did you know that Minnesotans were the first to volunteer troops to fight in the Civil War? Did you know that Minnesotans were not only responsible for foiling the James - Younger Gang's attempt at robbing our banks, but that they also put an end to the criminal reign of this infamous outlaw gang? Did you know that a famous aviator, raised in Minnesota, was the first to make a solo, non-stop flight across the Atlantic, stretching and proving the capabilities of aircraft? Did you know that Minnesotans fired the first shots at the beginning of America's involvement in the Pacific War of World War II?

Well whether you know it or not, it is all true! Learn the very interesting and startling details of the who, what, when, where, why and how behind all of these astounding feats in ............
Minnesota's Fabulous Firsts!

Presentation Fees
Presentations range from 1.5 hour to 5 hour-all day-immersion experiences. 1.5 to 3 hours is the most common length. Presentation length can be adapted to suit your needs.
* Mileage is calculated at the current I.R.S. rate of $0.67 per mile round-trip from Mankato, MN (presenter’s residence) to the presentation site and back.